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Whether you win or lose, taking calculated risks towards something can be the biggest adventure of your life

All my life, I have always gone forward to a situation whilst taking calculated risks in the process and when I look back towards that journey of almost four decades now, I feel surprised by looking at my own abilities of facing a certain situation with utmost ease whilst taking the same notion forward. Risk taking is a risky affair in itself and you certainly have to go beyond the world of logics and calculations in order to ascertain the whole subject. You can’t always ask for a reason or logic behind a certain act whether its about doing something without any solid purpose or else. There are those thrilling moments and memories in such acts but sometimes these aren’t enough to bring you back in the repeat mode in the same context.

I went through random studies about the decision made by minds and the body of certain people in the context of all such risk bearing acts and being a calculated risk taker myself, I am herby putting my own perspective in the same regards.

Gautam Sharma

Quite early in my life, I have made myself familiar with the fact that if someone is really adamant to live a life of their dreams, then they have to work full throttle towards it whilst taking calculated risks in the process. Still there are those who don’t carry the required capacities and capabilities and that is something which brings an end to the wholesome efforts in the same regards. That’s where I found myself in a better situation whilst realizing that you always have to put something on stake whilst taking all those risks towards the achievement of any desired result. For example when you look forward to start any type of business, there’s always a risk attached to the same in terms of loss of money, time and reputation Though we often forget that these are the same things which we are looking forward to earn whilst taking all such calculated risks. Thus, it’s all about trusting your basic instincts and gut feeling and keep on going with whatever you put your belief in. This could either be a business plan, your passion or something else which would

I always went by my gut feeling along with all those calculated risks and even though I knew that there would be times when I might end up being nowhere, I kept on going with my faith and belief in my abilities. No matter whether it’s about switching jobs or getting the business deal through simply on trust base, I have always took chances whilst keeping a belief in my basic instincts. As I made you familiar with my life experiences in the same context, let me take you all through to some of my basic learning and observations in the same regards.

  1. You cannot plan everything in your life .there are some unknown territories and situations which you must visit and face in order to ascertain your abilities for the success you are looking for in the process.
  2. Once you start taking risks, you will get stronger in terms of self belief and confidence
  3. Risk taking abilities clearly defines your life goals while making you realize about your biggest priorities alongside.
  4. Careful thoughts needs to be put forward before kick starting calculated risks as that would be something which would drive your overall efforts towards the same notion.
  5. Once you would get used to this risk taking abilities of yours, you would then be adding more dimensions to both your personality and thought process
  6. Learn to fight and grow instead of staying there and survive. This is the only thing which would drive your success forward.
  7. Give it a go from your end with best of the efforts and you will then see it going through accordingly.

With that said, I have also gone through various books and articles to ascertain this overall functioning of our brain in the same regards and why does it feel so contented after seeing the accomplishing of any risk bearing task ? What is that reward which its gets in the whole process?  Still it’s that unbelievable enthusiasm of the risk takers along with their capabilities of binding the acts together towards any risk bearing act, which sends jitters to my spine in the same context. I feel amazed with the fact that they kept on going with all the self belief without thinking much about the uncertainty of the final outcome. How they are often prepared for the newer and bigger challenges whether it’s about personal or professional life. How they have overcome that feeling of losing momentum and still ending up as a winner .They always keep going… no matter what !

Gautam Sharma – MD Big Bang Sports & Entertainment, Chairman Professional Boxing Organisation India & Former Vice President & National Sales Head ABP News Network (formely Star News). Gautam Sharma has two decades of experience in media and advertising sales, revenue optimisation and managing turnarounds for leading media organisations. He is currently an entrepreneur.

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